A couple of matters I've been meaning to note:
From time to time, I teach short knitting programs for my local knitting guild, and often I create a handout for the students to take home. I usually try to make these handouts self-sufficient, so that they're useful even if one didn't take the class, and since they do stand alone fairly well, I've also put them up as PDF files, with the thought that my readers might find them useful.
Also on occasion, I create some simple patterns, often for children's items, which I judge as not complex enough to try to place in knitting magazines or the like, but which nonetheless may be useful to others. Those are also up as PDF files.
The reason I mention this is that I know a lot of you read blogs through Bloglines or another aggregator, and it's just occurred to me that you might not ever see new things that I drop into the sidebar. Therefore, I'm calling these to your attention: there they are, over on the sidebar, together with links to those articles and patterns I have published elsewhere. If you normally read through an aggregator, drop by for a look.
I sure would like to hear some feedback, both on the patterns and articles themselves, and on their distribution. Do you like them? Are they useful? Have you, Heaven forfend, found errata? Should I put a short note here when I put new ones up, to call them to your attention? Please, let me know!