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Oh my goodness! I wish I could understand what you have written but I am afraid I can't! I don't understand why/how it works. You say don't forget the extra selvedge edges, which is interesting to me as they have caused a problem but then you talk about x+1 and I have no idea what this is! Why do I add one? I have 2 selvedge edge stitches and even if I had 1 only, I'm afraid I don't have a clue what you mean. The reason I can't do knitting so well is that I don't understand maths well enough. The people who do understand don't do words well enough to explain. It's like living in a different universe. Thanks for trying but most of what I read here on this site is only intelligible to those who understand anyway. Sadly, no use to me.

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(explai)Knit This!

  • Everybody's Squooshy Mitts (free pattern to download) Two sizes, for almost all adults

  • Apple a Day! (free pattern to download) Sizes preemie through child

  • Lanai (pattern for purchase through Chiagu) Sizes newborn through adult

  • Melonhead (free pattern to download) Sizes newborn through small adult

  • Punkin! (free pattern to download) Sizes preemie through child

  • Hug Me (free pattern to download) Toddler girls size, with notes for other sizes