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Just when I think you've abandoned blogging, you're back with another spectacular offering! I hope all of your posts are one day compiled into a book. It would be a terrific reference to keep in my knitting bag. Till then, well, a trip to the computer will have to do. Thanks.


Invaluable information! A while back I was working on the "Round Trip" sweater. I thought I was in good shape when I got the right stitch gauge for the yarn I was going to use. Well, it never occurred to me that the row count would become a factor when I needed to pick up stitches around the border at the end of the project. I ended up frogging the whole thing and went back to my lace knitting where gauge is not as important, or is it? Is there something that should be considered when matching yarn and needle size with a lace pattern or design?

Thanks for this wonderful post.


Thanks so much for this wonderful explanation. It's clearly written, and addresses so many different scenarios -- it was exceptionally helpful to me. Thanks!


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Is there something that should be considered when matching yarn and needle size with a lace pattern or design?

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(explai)Knit This!

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