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Thanks for this. It seems hard to find a simple explaination of the relationship between the needle size, stitch size and the gauge. Please help me measure the dagone swatch correctly now!


I just want to thank you for this blog, I can not tell you how much you have taught me since I discovered you =) I look forward to each and every new post. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


I can never remember if I need to go up or down. Think I need to bookmark this.

Looking forward to how to swatch. My mother and I argue over this every time she wants to knit something. The woman does not want to swatch for anything. o.O


Nice discussion. The groans over gauge always amaze me. The explanation of needle size and its relationship to gauge makes so MUCH sense!


Thank you so much for your detailed explanation. I could never remember whether to go up or down a size in needles to get gauge and your explanation about the stitches being too small or too large makes it clear to me.

Dari Trout

Really appreciate the comprehensive explanations! Thanks!


well said!


If you really hate the "wasted" knitting of a gauge swatch, choose a standard size for your swatches- I use 8 inches. That way you can piece them together as a throw that will remind you of all the projects you have done. I actually make my swatches a bit bigger than needed by the pattern, but that lets me keep the edges out of the measurement (which adds to accuracy)

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