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I've been reading your blog through Google reader, and therefore not seeing your sidebar goodies. The Continental Purling one is awesome-- I have been struggling with that lately and finding this was very timely!


Sara, I do find the handouts on the sidebar very helpful. In fact, I find your entire site helpful! Although, I may not comment, be assured that I am here and reading carefully.
Many times you may go over something which I am not having a problem, nor even attempting yet. But I am reading carefully because your explanations will always come in handy.
I do appreciate your descriptions and the effort you put into your site.
Thank you!
(maybe I will not be so afraid of Fair Isle now!)

Purl in the Rough

Hi Sara. Although I've never commented before, I do want to say that I love your website. You are so knowledgeable, and explain things very succinctly. After having gone through your archives, I now have a stack of print-outs, which I intend to keep as references! I do appreciate the effort you put into your articles.

Just as a side note, I'm a continental knitter, and have never really had a problem with purling. I actually think that when you have any kind of ribbing to do, the knitting goes a lot faster. The only slight issue I have with it is that (because of the angle of the working yarn?), the purled stitch is a bit looser than the knitted one, so that stockinette stitches done on straight needles may not turn out to be perfect "V's" (one side of the V will be more vertical), but, as long as it's consistent from start to finish, I guess it's okay. In any event, I'm not sure how to fix it. I can't remember whether that was addressed in your pdf - I'll have to go back and check!

Anyways, keep up the good work - it is certainly appreciated.



Oh yes, please give us reminders! When I open my Bloglines, yours is one of the first I check to look for updates. Your postings are so informative, thoughtful and well-written. I always feel a little smarter after reading one of your posts!

Like Maribeth, I don't post ofen, but I'm following you religiously.
Thanks for sharing your expertise.

Jan Bishop

I've made and enjoyed your little girl's shrug. Nice and clear and very easy, although I've done other stuff in feather and fan, so already knew the pattern.


Hi Sara,
I don't think I have ever commented, but I find your blog and the sidebars to be a wonderful resource, kind of a living dictionary of knitting. I'm so glad you are generous enough to share your knowledge with other knitters. Thanks!


Sara, I just tried two color (a simple fair isle pattern) for the first time yesterday, and was looking for some hints. I found your website, and what a wealth of information. Thank you for taking the time to share your wisdom. I appreciate and have added your blog to my feeds and immediately forwarded the link to my best knitting pal. We are rather new in the knitting world, and learning as fast as we can! Thank you!

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(explai)Knit This!

  • Everybody's Squooshy Mitts (free pattern to download) Two sizes, for almost all adults

  • Apple a Day! (free pattern to download) Sizes preemie through child

  • Lanai (pattern for purchase through Chiagu) Sizes newborn through adult

  • Melonhead (free pattern to download) Sizes newborn through small adult

  • Punkin! (free pattern to download) Sizes preemie through child

  • Hug Me (free pattern to download) Toddler girls size, with notes for other sizes