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Hi Sara, I just wanted to tell you how much I've been enjoying your latest series about decreases. Thanks for the great explanations and keep 'em coming!


Your blog is very insightful and great reading. I'm going to stop by quite often. Thanks for sharing your knitting knowledge.


WOW! Thanks for this article! I'm a Combined knitter and this answered a question I had (about twisted stitches) as well as explaining a lot to me so it makes more sense. You rock!


I just discovered that my method is not Continental, but Combined. I need specific instruction on how to convert a Western pattern for twisted stitches which reads: knit through front loop of 2d stitch, then knit through front loop of first stitch.(slant right cable) And also for the slant left, for which the Western pattern reads: knit through the back loop of 2d stitch, then knit through the front loop of the first stitch.(left slant cable)Also for leftright cross which reads: slip stitch onto cable needle and hold in back. k1b, p1 from cable needle. Lastly, for right and left cross which read: Left Cross: slip stitch on a cable needle and hld in front, p1 stitch, k1b from cable needle. I did not understand the conversion table linked to Annie M's site. Thank you!!!


I just wanted to say, as both a professional writer and a knitter, thanks for this great explanation about combination knitting! This is an elegantly written, clear, and very helpful article.


When I started knitting, I was a natural combo knitter and didn't know it. I noticed something was 'off' when I knit a ribbed row for my GF, on her project, and the twisting was all wrong. So I modified my style to pure Continental, and have for the ensuing years always struggled with that 'slow perl' ... until today, when I read this article on combo knitting and switched back to what I [self] learned years ago!

I look forward to the newly-refound speed of the combo technique! Thanks for your article!!


Thanks for the information. Very informative.

I'm working on a specification for knitting patterns, out of which will come the ability for combined knitters everywhere to configure Western k2togs and ssks to read to their preferences. The combo knitters I talked to seem to like the idea of reading "left-leaning decrease" for a Western ssk and "right-leaning decrease" for a Western k2tog.

Pastry Betty

Thank you for your detailed explanation on combination knitting. I've been knitting for many years, but am intrigued by the combination method - something new to learn.


Nice post I enjoy It thanks.
I hope you will kept wrinting =)

Thank for sharing it.


Thank you so much for the great article on the combination method. I was recently taught to knit by my mom (who was taught by her mom and grandmother, etc.) My mom insisted that I not learn from a book or from anyone but her because she didn't want me to learn the "throw" or the English method because of its inefficiency. So all this time I thought I was a continental knitter. I have recently realized that I am a combination knitter -- as is my mom (although she doesn't know it yet!!!) I still need some help learning how to compensate correctly when reading a Western pattern, but your article helped me in so many ways. I have to say that one of the most helpful points was your comment that a lot of combo knitters think they are continental knitters, but aren't. Again, thank you so much for the great article. Keep posting more!!


Huh! So I am a combination knitter! It explains a lot of things I never understood (ex twisted stitch discussions)because I had intuitively compensated. The only consistent problem has been comfortably purling in the round for any number of stitches, and that I mostly just try to avoid. Now I can wrap the yarn the other direction and it should be good?

Miami Air Conditioning

When I started knitting, I was a natural combo knitter and didn't know it, but now, I make my own designs and sell it in my university, so thanks because with you I have learned a lot

Handwriting analyst

Thanks for sharing these wonderful comic videos with us.they are really funny.will look after for some more updates.


Wow I never knew I was a combination knitter. I did teach myself decades ago from a family circle magazine with just some illustrations, not knowing much I just did what made sense. I actually rarely have gauge or tension issues and have only recently noticed that my decreases often don't slant the way patterns call for. This is great info for when I'm teaching others to knit. Thank you so much for the info.

xl pharmacy

I love your patterns!! please post more like this sweety!

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(explai)Knit This!

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