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Hi Sara, I just finished my first forethought heel and ended up with the kitchner looking like a pointed toe.

Where did I go wrong and what can I do to make it round.

I worked on 22 stitches each needle. and I had 6 stitches on each ndl to do the kitchner. The pattern said I should have 12 stitches total. Hence 6&6 right?
I am knitting with two circs,




It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong, just the possibly the design of the pattern wasn't quite what you were expecting or wanting.

Decreasing down from 22 stitches on each needle to 6 is a fairly sharp point, since you've got a bit less than 1/3 of the stitches left there. That might be fine if you have narrow heels -- I myself would like a heel that narrow fairly well, and while it would look very pointed just sitting there, it wouldn't look pointed on my foot. However, if you don't like it, then there's nothing that says you have to follow the directions exactly. Use your stitch gauge to decide what width in the heel would suit you better, and stop when you have that many stitches left. Or use a different decrease pattern altogether to make your heel -- any of the cuff-down style of sock toes will work fine in a forethought/afterthought heel, and can be readily substituted. I'll refer you back to Lauri B.'s toes-and-heels page, which I mentioned in the post, and suggest that you might want to look at the star toe or the German round toe.


Thank you for your quick response.

I have started the other heel and am not going to decrease down as much and see how that comes out. Yhe socks are for my 3 year old great grand daughter and I am sure with your advice they will cime out fine.

The sock patteren I am using is from SENSATIONAL KNITTED SOCKS & I love that book as it is very informative and is giving me me differant ways of knitting socks.


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